
The prevention of child abuse is crucial for making our community a better place to live.

More than 600,000 children are victims of child abuse each year. In Adams County, the rate of abuse is 16.4 children per 1,000, or roughly 650 children each year.  By working collectively to prevent child abuse, we can create a safer and more nurturing environment for children to thrive and contribute positively to society by:

Family profile set against the sunset

Protecting the Well-being of Children

Children are the future of any community, and their safety and well-being should be a top priority. Preventing child abuse ensures that children grow up in a nurturing and safe environment, free from physical, emotional, or sexual harm. It promotes their healthy development and allows them to reach their full potential.

Family gathered in a hug

Building Stronger Families

By focusing on preventing child abuse, communities can support families in developing healthy and positive relationships. This includes providing resources, education, and support systems that empower parents and caregivers to provide a nurturing and loving environment for their children. Strengthening families strengthens the foundation of the entire community.

Family with heads in a circle

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

Preventing child abuse helps break the intergenerational cycle of violence and abuse. Research has shown that individuals who experience abuse during childhood are more likely to perpetuate abusive behaviors in their own relationships and families. By stopping child abuse, communities can interrupt this harmful cycle and create a safer environment for future generations.

Two people in a therapy session

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being

Child abuse can have long-lasting negative impacts on a child's mental health and well-being. It can lead to various psychological and emotional issues, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. By preventing child abuse, communities foster a healthier population, reducing the burden on mental health services and promoting overall well-being.

Hands in a circle

Strengthening Community Bonds

 A community that actively works to prevent child abuse demonstrates its commitment to protecting the most vulnerable members. It creates a sense of collective responsibility, encouraging community members to look out for one another and report any signs of abuse. This shared commitment to child safety strengthens community bonds and fosters a culture of care and compassion.

People in a seminar

Promoting Education and Awareness

Efforts to prevent child abuse involve raising awareness about its signs, consequences, and available resources. Community education programs can empower individuals with knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to child abuse. By educating the community, communities can create a network of vigilant individuals who actively contribute to the prevention of child abuse.

Paper cutouts held by a pair of hands set against the image of a globe

Upholding Human Rights

Every child has the right to grow up in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment. By preventing child abuse, communities uphold the fundamental human rights of children and create an environment that respects and protects the dignity and well-being of every child.


"Give-a-Kid-a-Chance" is an initiative that aims to provide Christmas dinner and gifts from Santa Claus to foster children. Here is how the program works:

Program Objective:

The main objective of the "Give-a-Kid-a-Chance" program is to bring joy, warmth, and a sense of belonging to foster children during the holiday season. It recognizes that many foster children may not have the same opportunities for a joyful Christmas experience as their peers and seeks to bridge that gap by providing them with a memorable holiday celebration.

Identifying Foster Children:

The program collaborates with foster care agencies, social services, or other relevant organizations to identify foster children who would benefit from the program. This ensures that the support reaches those who truly need it. Foster parents or guardians are also involved in the identification process.

Christmas Dinner:

As part of the program, a Christmas dinner is organized to create a festive atmosphere for the foster children and their families. We partner with HyVee and Refreshment Services Pepsi to provide a turkey dinner with all the trimmings and provide an opportunity for foster families to come together, share a meal, and create cherished memories.

Gifts from Santa Claus:

One of the highlights of the program is the distribution of gifts from Santa Claus to the foster children. Prior to the event, the program collects toys, books, clothing, and other age-appropriate gifts which are then sorted and wrapped, ready to be distributed during the Christmas event. The program ensures that each foster child receives a personalized gift to make their holiday season brighter.

Through the "Give-a-Kid-a-Chance" program, foster children are given the opportunity to experience the joy and magic of the holiday season. The program not only provides tangible gifts but also fosters a sense of community, love, and belonging for these deserving children.

Financial Support

By financially supporting organizations that provide child abuse prevention services, we play a crucial role in promoting the well-being and safety of children. Our financial support to organizations such as Cornerstone Foundation for Families, Transitions, and the Advocacy Network for Children, contributes to child abuse prevention by:

  • Funding Prevention Programs

    Enabling the organizations to develop and implement effective child abuse prevention programs. These programs include educational campaigns, parenting classes, workshops, and support groups that aim to raise awareness about child abuse, teach positive parenting techniques, and equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to prevent abuse.

  • Training and Education

    Helping the organizations offer training and educational opportunities to professionals and community members involved in child welfare, such as teachers, social workers, healthcare providers, and law enforcement personnel. These trainings enhance their ability to recognize signs of abuse, respond appropriately, and take necessary actions to protect children.

  • Support for At-risk Families

    Supporting the provision of direct assistance to at-risk families. This includes offering counseling services, mental health support, and access to resources such as affordable housing, healthcare, and childcare. By addressing underlying risk factors and providing support to families in need, these organizations help reduce the likelihood of child abuse occurring.

  • Public Awareness Campaigns

    Contributing to public awareness campaigns that aim to educate the general public about the importance of child abuse prevention. These campaigns may include media advertisements, online initiatives, community events, and outreach programs. By reaching a wide audience, these efforts help shift societal attitudes, raise consciousness, and promote a collective commitment to preventing child abuse.

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